Record for free. Subscribe to watch.

Idaho Premier League has partnered with with Trace to offer FREE AI Cameras to members of the leagues this season, saving you $495 on a Trace Camera subscription!

– Trace uses AI technology to find, follow, and record the action of each player on the field and deliver personalized automatic highlights to each player after each game.

– Subscribe to watch your personalized video. Subscription options available starting at one month for $25.

– To claim your free Trace camera, please fill out the form and someone will be in touch shortly!
Eligibility requirements

Must be a current member of IPL.

The free Camera lease requires an active PlayerFocus Basic or Pro subscription to access game video. Available for NEW Trace Camera subscribers only. All other Terms of Service apply.
Frequently asked questions

How does PlayerFocus work?

Does the whole team need to subscribe?

What do I get with my subscription?

How do I claim this offer?

Find your games on Trace

Trace game search icon
Search through every game filmed on Trace.
What is PlayerFocus?

Trace PlayerFocus is the easiest and most affordable way to record your soccer games and get each player’s highlights delivered automatically.

Our video AI does all the work so you can focus on using the footage to level up your game or share your best moments.
More About Trace