# Player Development

6 Tips for Coaching Young Teams with Trace

Read 6 tips for using soccer game film and video to coach players under 12 years old.
Charles LaCalle

Francis Davin is Head Coach of Liverpool FC IA SoCal’s B11 and B10 teams. At this age (around 10 years old), players are beginning to learn to play soccer more cooperatively, to understand team positioning, and to set up attacks and defense.

Liverpool FC IA SoCal uses Trace’s soccer camera system for recording games and analyzing performance. “This technology has been brilliant for me as a coach and for the players,” stated Davin. “Even though the players are young, they are really starting to engage in self-evaluation through video.” With Trace, all games are recorded, and each player receives personalized playlists of their moments from the match in 14-16 hours of walking off the field.

Coach Davin recently shared some of the things that he’s been doing to coach with Trace with the other coaches at Liverpool FC to pass along some of his best practices.

Coach Davin's Tips For Using Trace's Soccer Camera System 

With Trace, coaches can instill valuable lessons about tactics and formation through visual learning. The product is designed to be accessible to youth soccer players at all age levels, making learning new skills fun and simple. And maybe most importantly at this age, Trace allows younger players to save moments from these foundational years, which they can later watch to see the full scope of their development as players.

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