Trace users can now supplement their highlights with recordings from smartphones. Position your phone anywhere along the field, and powerful AI technology stitches it all together to create spectacular game results.

Trace is the only camera system that delivers personalized highlights for every athlete on the field. But when it comes to capturing video from different angles, any single camera, even one like Trace that tracks the action, can feel limiting.
We see parents on the field using their iPhones to capture close-up video of their own child or filming creative angles of specific positions, while trusting that Trace captures all the highlights from above. In the past, that parent’s video might have gone forgotten on their iPhone. That’s about to change.
MultiCam was inspired by three main ideas: more angles, no extra equipment, and no added costs (free for all Trace subscribers). Fields are large, meaning it can be difficult for any one camera to capture every desired angle. And individuals are already accustomed to using their smartphones to record their players. Not only do parents want to catch their child’s best highlights, but more importantly, they don’t want to miss them.
MultiCam enablesTrace parents or videographers to record from any location, and Trace does the work of matching that video with Trace’s personalized game results.
The Many Trace MultiCam Use Cases
Whether you’re trying to record more footage of your specific player or using MultiCam to capture additional highlights for coaching players, more video means more options and more ways to get creative. Our goal at Trace is to deliver short, actionable video, rather than long, raw game footage that goes unwatched. In other words, less is more. But when it comes to having unlimited up-close and personal footage:
Up-Close Footage of the Action
The action around the goal or certain positions can be difficult to see at times. Maybe other players are blocking your child at key times. MultiCam gives parents the power to capture angles that showcase their own child in the best light, no matter their position on the field.
Epic Social Media Content
With every player posting on multiple social channels, who doesn’t want an opportunity to go viral on social media? Players can edit or download their highlights into action-packed footage to share with the world. With MultiCam, you can now shoot on the fly when interesting things happen. Social media is all about trends. Multicam delivers highlights from multiple angles, showing every detail of your player's achievements on the field.
Give Your Team Videographer Superpowers
Gone are the days that you’re unable to catch the angle down in the corner or record the action on the far side of the field. With MultiCam, you can set up a smartphone at any location on the field, and you can also now pinch to zoom so you can focus on the action that’s important to you.
Better Tools for Coaching
As any coach knows, visual learning is extremely powerful. Trace is an extremely powerful tool for showing players what is happening on the field with the full context of every player’s position. With MultiCam, coaches can combine the full context with even more position-specific demonstrations. Seeing different angles can make a real difference for learning and understanding the fundamentals of the sport, and players can now see those teaching moments from any point of view.
These are just a few examples of what you might accomplish with MultiCam. For each team, there might be unique use cases; you know best what’s important to you. With MultiCam, you get the power to make your Trace experience even more personal, and you get to choose what to focus on.