Player-focused development, powered by video.

Trace accelerates your club’s program with video that is focused on each player and automatically delivered to save your coaches time and give them better insight.
Benefits club directors need

Easier to use

Trace PlayerFocus automatically identifies each player on the field to create their highlights. No need to set up rosters

More affordable

Parents can choose to participate. You choose the number of cameras you'll need and we’ll do the work to implement it club-wide.

Improve coaching

Individual highlights help coaches save time reviewing video and assessing the impact of each player.

Promote your brand

Clubs can utilize engaging and viral video highlights to promote their brand, or generate revenue from club sponsors.
Trace is easier and more affordable than ever!

Trace PlayerFocus saves hours spent on editing game film and eliminates the logistical and payment nightmares that come with teams sharing cameras.

Club Pricing

Greg Rubendall

Director of Coaching | Livermore Fusion
“We started with our older players but because they don’t have a culture of self analysis, they weren’t getting much out of video. We use Trace for U8-U19 and now, it’s a habit for them and it’s helping them grow.”

Download 2023 Year of Video Report

61% of clubs anticipate more teams to film their games next season. Reason #1 is improving player development.