Player-focused coaching, powered by video.

From game analysis to 1-on-1 player reviews, Trace PlayerFocus finds and follows each player on the field to assist you in coaching every step of their soccer journey.
Benefits coaches need

Carlos Rodriguez

Academy Coach | KC Fusion
“I challenge the kids to watch their videos and give me three goods and bads that happen throughout the game. They don’t have to watch the entire game but jump around their highlights.”
Make the most of Trace for your team

Say goodbye to fundraising and get a camera for your team for just $495/year!

Coaching a team that already has a TraceCam? Sign up for a PlayerFocus Subscription for as low as $180/year to access your team’s game video and player highlights.
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Designed just for coaches
PlayerFocus coach subscription

Trace offers an enhanced coach experience featuring full game footage, play filters, coach-specific highlights, playlist creation, and more. Get your subscription for as low as $180/year.

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Download the Year of Video Report

61% of clubs anticipate more teams to film their games next season. Reason #1 is improving player development.