# College Recruiting

How to Make Your Defensive Center Midfielder Highlight Video

Learn the key factors to create a successful defensive center midfielder recruiting video for college coaches.
Charles LaCalle

Read the other posts in this college soccer recruiting series on Defensive Center Midfielders, Goalkeepers, Center Backs, Outside Backs, Strikers, Wingers, and Attacking Center Midfielders.

The primary purpose of a defensive center midfielder is to shield and defend. DCMs are not always involved in the razzle-dazzle plays, but they are critical to winning the game.

Creating highlight video for this position is more challenging than other positions because it can be tempting to send video showing the same skill multiple times, like knocking the ball in behind.

"When it comes to creating a playlist for a defensive center midfielder, it's important to showcase a variety of skills," states Trace Head Coach Tim Bennett.

"We think the #6 has to be this real hard, get-into-tackles type of player, but that's not the case."

Key things to include when sending your defensive center midfielder highlight video to college coaches

Watch a Sample Defensive Center Midfielder Highlight

What the Trace moment above shows college coaches: In this Trace moment, the outside back gets the ball. The defensive center midfielder pulls away just a little bit and creates a space. He reads the play and starts his transition before the ball is played, closes the ground, steps in, and wins the tackle. But the best is when he starts the counter attack, realizes the goal keeper is off the line, and then finishes from 45 yards out. This is an awesome demonstration of closing ground, creating a counter, and having the intelligence to finish a goal.