Soccer game film and technology can be a powerful way to improve quickly and win more games. Among competitive soccer clubs, recording soccer games and analyzing game film is expected and par for the course. But as the benefits of this type of learning became more apparent, more and more clubs are figuring out innovative ways to incorporate video into their lessons.
Recording soccer contributes massively to the success and development of a team if coaches can use that game film to teach. Our goal at Trace is to make recording effortless and take all the work out of editing, and our product delivers short, individualized video moments for each player on the team.
Every coach has their own style for delivering feedback, but we wanted to share some real-world examples of how one coach uses Trace in post-game analysis.

Tips on Using Trace for Post-Game Homework
For coaches, using Trace for reviewing the team's performance after every game is the norm, and Trace's powerful artificial intelligence and automatic editing make it easy to find video moments and view performance player by player. Coaches can easily locate moments, and copy the URL emails, messages to players, or correspondence with college coaches.
Related Article: "How to Get Players to Watch Soccer Game Film"
Pull Exceptional Moments Into A Document
Take a look at how one coach pulls his team's top moments from the game into one document. He not only provides a link to view the video, but he shares his insights and teaching points from both the team and individual standpoints. Each Monday, the coach shares this document with his players and parents, while the game is still still fresh in their minds. They can review it as a quick homework assignment.
Highlight the Best Moments
The coach lays out his three favorite moments from each game. Whether it's a goal scored, chance created, extensive build-up play, or defensive sequence, this section offers valuable teaching moments that may not have been visible to every team member during the game. The coach is the expert, so parents and players want to hear their input on specific sequences of play that stand out. Pointing out your favorite moments will increase the team's overall soccer knowledge with the hope they eventually start noticing these series of play on their own.

Find Teachable Moments to Help Players Improve
After giving players some positive reinforcement, the coach then gets into area where he believes the team could improve. With video, there's really no room for excuses. Teams can see what went wrong, and what went right. This gives coaches a powerful way to instill lessons in players.

Add Links and Summaries for Each Goal in the Game
Trace auto-tags all goals and sorts the video into a goals playlist, making these easy for coaches and players to find. This coach lays out the easy-share links to each goal and the buildup beforehand. Later, he explains the good and the bad to give the players thorough analysis and actionable tips for improving. Whether it's a successful movement leading to a goal or a defensive breakdown, each player, and even parents, can easily understand what occurred and how to adjust moving forward.
Seasonal Goal and Assist Log
The last component is a list of every goal and assist broken down by each player. The coach lists the player's name and then lists bullets with URL links to each of those players goals or assists. As the season progresses, this becomes a fantastic way to look back on individual performance by player. Once the team's goals and assists are outlined, the coach can also easily have players add these moments (and more) to their Trace iD.
Recording soccer is easy, but getting players to actively engage with video is hard. Trace makes it easy by giving coaches automatic editing capabilities and the tools they need to be effective. This leads to better engagement metrics, whereas other soccer camera systems deliver only long, raw game film that sits on a shelf unwatched. Interested in learning how Trace can help your team? Get in touch here.
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