# College Recruiting

4 Don'ts to Get Recruited for College Soccer

College recruiters want to hear from you, not your mom or your dad. Own the process so you can feel proud of the results!
Tim Bennett

If you haven't read our 5 Do's to get recruited for college, you should.

Sometimes the quickest way to success is through subtraction. Game film is typically the first interaction you'll have with a college coach. Putting your best foot forward means skipping some advice you might have seen in the past. Your goal is to paint a comprehensive picture of you as a player and person, without any fluff.

Let's go through the 4 don'ts for soccer recruiting videos:

The 4 Don'ts

1. Don't Let Mom or Dad Lead the Communication

College recruiters want to hear from you, not your mom or your dad. Yes, you should absolutely take your parent's advice or help if they are willing to offer it, but the communication (email, text, phone call) should come from you, the player, not the parents.

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2. Don't Include Background Music in your Highlight Reel

“If I have to listen to another Deadmou5 or Migos song, I quit.” Enough said. Let your play speak for itself; you don’t need background music.

3. Don't Just Focus on your Best Skill

If you score a lot of goals, that's great, but don't put a minute of goals in your highlight reel. College recruiters want to see the complete player, not just your goal scoring. See 5 Do's to get recruited for showing a wide variety of skills.

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4. Transparency

Don't hide or fib about any information. The coach will find out eventually, and sour on the fact that you weren't open and honest about it. If you have a low GPA or SAT, be upfront and explain what you're doing to mitigate the issue and improve your test scores and grades.

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