Trace's personalized playlists assist coaches in winning games and supporting the development of the individual athlete.
Development through video analysis is the best way for players to gain the full picture of who, what, where, when, why and how we as coaches want them to perform on the field. And Trace's personalization hits this current generation of players right in their learning sweet spot. Even the slightest marginal gain through video review can be the difference between winning and losing and, just as importantly, seeing your player reach their full potential.
Two tips for coaching with video
Keep things simple. less is more keep the language consistent with what is being said on the field. Don't call them channels on the field and then half spaces in the video review. Keep everything identical.
The second tip is accountability. All players at all levels want to get better. The major difference between the level is that some players are just more diligent at this than others.
Accountability oftentimes creates additional anxiety or stress for players, so as a coach we got to find ways, through the presentation of video, to cater to the collective growth and also foster individuals who want to do more. We can make self-assessment fun. We can make it creative with different types of playlists or different types of environments just like we do in training.